World News Wednesdays

Condoms For First Graders?

When the school board in Provincetown, Mass., voted unanimously on June 8 to provide free condoms to all students in the district without parental notification, no one in the audience objected. In fact, no one thought much about it. The school’s health advisory committee, relying on respected studies, worried that children were becoming sexually active at ever younger ages, and it believed protection was the best policy. the Massachusetts Family Institute hastily issued a statement saying: "Making condoms available to first graders bullies parents to submit to an agenda that promotes sexual promiscuity to innocent children at their most vulnerable age. “I guess the biggest thing [generating controversy] is that it’s for elementary school kids, but where do we draw the line?” School Committee Chairman Peter Grosso told the Boston Globe. “We’re going to revisit it." He said discussion would likely center around setting a minimum age for eligibility. But he promised that there would be some access for elementary school kids. -Fox News

Tell us your opinion. Do you believe that first grade is too early to start giving out condoms or do you believe that they should be prepared?

Inspirational Quotes

"Say all u need to say and if they still walk away: they were not your destination, they were only preparation."
  • If you give all that you can give and they still decide to leave, then it wasn’t meant to be. They were simply preparing you for what's ahead.

"Sometimes you have to take a step backward in the wrong direction, in order to move forward in the right one."
  • Sometimes you have to make a mistake in order to progress.

"We can only know happiness after experiencing sadness. Never think that rock bottom is our permanent spot."
  • In order to enjoy the happy moments ,you have to go through the sad ones. Don't get discouraged when you fall down.

"I was born underwater with 3 dollars and 6 dimes."
  • I was born complete.

Respect Is Just The Minimum

Why Don't Men Respect Women?

Men don't respect women because women don't respect themselves. Some women forget that the way you carry yourself becomes the perception others have of you. If you don't act like a lady, then you can't expect to be treated like one. However, that is only part of the problem. The other part is that women are not demanding respect. Some of us take words like "bitch" and "hoe" lightly and use them amongst each other yet wonder why some men feel that it is ok to use them as well. Truth is, it is not ok but if we accept it then we can't expect things to change. We as women need to realize that we deserve to be treated like the queens that we are because change starts with us. -Gia

Before you can answer the question of why don’t men respect women, you need to answer the question of who’s fault is it? Is it the women's fault that men don’t respect them or is it the men's fault? What about the parents or the media? There isn’t one definite answer to this question. As each new generation enter this world, respect for women minimizes. There is only so much blame you can put on everyone besides the women. A parent can only instill so many values into their child before the child starts to experience things and gain their own views. All the blame can’t be put on the men either. The only response I have to this question is, a person can only do to you what you allow them to. With that being said, the only way someone can disrespect you is if you allow them to. -Bonny

She's Just Not That Into You

It is often said that women don’t get the hint, but it seems that guys have the same problem. Women are not the only ones who feel the urge to call or text multiple times even when they don’t get a response. You try to convince yourself that she didn‘t get it but the truth is, she’s just not that into you.

Guys, just like you all throw hints to let the woman know that you are not interested, women do the same. However, these hints are sometimes unsuccessful. One possible reason could be that these hints are misinterpreted or it could be that you are simply not paying attention. To clear up any confusion here are some signs that will let you know when you should just let it go!!

  • Sign #1 If you call and NEVER get a response.
  • Sign #2 If you text and NEVER get a response.
  • Sign #3 If she tells you that she is not looking for anything serious, she’s probably trying to let you down easy.
  • Sign #4 If she says she’s busy whenever you call.
  • Sign #5 If she completely IGNORES you, Let it go.

Conversation Starters

Have you ever really wanted to say something, but you didn’t know what to say? Well, here’s a list of conversation starters.
  • Topic #1 Talk about something that you both are interested in. For example, basketball or cooking
  • Topic #2 Talk about your day or ask about his/hers.
  • Topic #3 Ask an intriguing question
  • Topic #4 Start off with a joke or something funny
  • Topic #5 Talk about likes and dislikes

The next time you find yourself at a loss for words, try one of these conversation starters and see where it goes.

Top 5 Signs That The Conversation Isn't Going Anywhere

  • Sign #1 Silence or Long Pauses
  • Sign #2 Repetition
  • Sign #3 Meaningless Questions
  • Sign #4 When you’re thinking about how much you want the conversation to end.
  • Sign #5 When you resort to talking to people in your background