It's Not Exactly Rocket Science
It's Really Simple.. The Answers Are Right Here. :)
That you care for me but that you're just not in love
Immediately I pretended to be feeling similarly
And led you to believe I was okay
To just walk away from the one thing
That's unyielding and sacred to me
Well I guess I'm trying to be nonchalant about it
And I'm going to extremes to prove I'm fine without you
But in reality I'm slowly losing my my mind
Underneath the disguise of a smile gradually I'm dying inside
Friends ask me how I feel and I lie convincingly
'Cause I don't want to reveal the fact that I'm suffering
So I wear my disguise 'til I go home at night
And turn down all the lights and then I break down and cry
Suddenly just stops loving you and it seems they haven't got a clue
Of the pain that rejection is putting you through
Do you cling to your pride and sing "I will survive"
Do you lash out and say "How dare you leave this way"
Do you hold on in vain as they just slip away
Only if you let it
Everyday crucial situation wrackin' my mind
Tryin' to break me down
But I won't let it
Moving Forward
Step 1.
Face the problem: You can not move forward if you have not accepted what has happened. Many people are stuck in their position because they try to forget, or act like it has never occurred, without facing and accepting it.
Step 2.
Accept your feelings: Once something occurs, people tend to hide their feelings. They decide that it is better to not show emotion. This just causes a build up and prohibits you from moving forward. If you are upset, take a moment to release your feelings and realize that it is alright to feel the way you feel.
Step 3.
Let it go: Once you have accepted what has transpired and released your emotions, it is time to let it go! Don't let it hold you back by constantly thinking about it or by being afraid to make decisions because of it. It may come up again in the future, but if you have accepted it, it will not affect you.
Step 4:
Start Fresh!: Once you have let everything go, you can now make clear decisions and move forward with your life. It may not happen immediately, but if you continue to believe that you will get through it... Everything will be OK.
Inspiration At It's Best
Core Values
From the time we are young up until the time that we enter college our parents are constantly reminding us of the things that are important in life as well as what will shape and mold us into the individuals that we are or are to become.These are known as values and beliefs. In college there is that sense of freedom and independence that may cause some to lose sight of that. While in college, some are able to successfully practice those values and beliefs but others quickly forget them. It is somewhat easy to forget simply because there is no longer that constant reminder and because you are now surrounded by so many different people coming from all walks of life who think, act and believe differently than you. However, that is how the world is. Everyone is not like you and you are not like everyone but it is ok to be different and it is ok to be who YOU are. Don't ever feel the need to "try" something because everyone else is doing it or be someone that you are not. Never lose sight of your goals or who you are and put God first ALWAYS and he will guide you through it all. -Gia
Here is a link to understanding personal core values and positive beliefs
If you haven't noticed, it has been a while since our last post. Sorry for the lack of updates. We were in a transitioning phase. We are now back in full effect with many more topics!
Looking For Love
I got a lover
I was searching for love
I got rejection
every heartbreak left its scars and traces
I was looking for love
in all the wrong places'
- The numbers of vaccines has doubled in the last decade
- New vaccines are coming out on a more regular basis
- The United Nations has committed $150 million to develop a “Super Vaccine” to provide immunity against 30 childhood diseases in a single shot.
Information Provided By
Light Skin vs. Dark Skin
I'm sure all of us have heard of the stereotypes associated with light-skinned blacks as well as dark-skinned blacks. For example,the assumption that light-skinned people are pretty but stuck-up and that dark-skinned people are less attractive simply because of their complexion. However, where do these stereotypes come from? Some might date it back to the days of slavery when light-skinned blacks worked in the "master's" house while dark-skinned blacks worked in the fields signifying that dark-skinned blacks weren't considered "good enough". Others might say that such stereotypes are just another way to keep us from growing as a community. I agree with both. Yes, slavery might be where it originates but such views towards our own people only hinders our growth as a whole. We shouldn't discriminate against our own rather, we should help build each other up. Look at who a person is as an individual not at their complexion or the stereotypes that follow. -Gia
When we are asked to describe someone, for most of us, the first thing we think about is a person's complexion. The easiest answer is "She was light skinned or he was dark skinned". I don't believe that there is anything wrong with that. The problem occurs when complexion is used to separate our race not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It is not o.k. to make a party flyer with the title "Red Bone vs Dark Skin girls" nor is it o.k. to assume that someone is stuck up or cocky just because they are light skinned. It is bad enough that our complexion has been used to separate us from the rest of the world, now we are using it to separate ourselves within our own race. I will admit that I have used this stereotype before to judge someone. Because of society, I believe that in some point of our lives we all have. This is something that we all need to work on as a race. How can we get other races to accept us if we can't accept ourselves? -Bonny
Hair Myths
Truth: "Hair grows a half-inch per month, whether you cut it or not," says John Barrett, owner of the John Barrett Salon in New York City. Hair may grow slightly faster in the summer, but that has nothing to do with the stylist's scissors and everything to do with hormones, which do speed growth a little. One thing a trim will do: Eliminate split ends, making hair look better.
Truth: It may seem so, but experts scoff. "Hair can't tell the difference between brands or build up tolerance to any product," says London-based hair and scalp expert Philip Kingsley. "Your favorite shampoo will work the same every time you lather up, week after week, month after month." If you have very oily hair or favor a particularly sticky styling product that contains wax, it does pay to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to wash away residue. Good Housekeeping's Beauty Department recommends Redken Hair Cleansing Cream and Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo.
Truth: Products today — both at home and in the salon — are gentle enough not to weaken hair. In fact, some contain extra conditioners that may leave hair more manageable than before. Although it's not necessary, "it can't hurt to consult a professional stylist the first time you do anything permanent to your hair or scalp," Kingsley counsels.
Truth: Once they're split, that's it. The only thing you can do then is cut them off. Celebrity stylist Jimmy Paul suggests making split ends less noticeable by applying a product containing silicone or beeswax. It will temporarily seal ends together, making hair softer and more manageable. Try: John Paul Mitchell Gloss Drops and John Barrett Bee Hold.
Truth: "Brush it only to style it, because brushing pulls hairs out of their follicles and possibly weakens individual strands," says Kingsley.
Inspiration At It's Best
Every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be
And I know our creator didn't make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes; I'm lovin' what I see"
World News Wednesdays
Inspiration At It's Best
What Happens After The First Slap?
- People on the outside looking in would say that the obvious thing to do is to leave but it is much easier to say “leave him” then it is for the woman to actually do so. Domestic violence not only involves physical violence but mental and emotional control over the woman. Now the question becomes when do you decide that you’ve had enough? While some are able to walk away from such situations others may find it to be very difficult. Some women blame themselves and find a way to convince themselves that what is happening is ok when it’s not. Domestic violence is wrong. With that said, I want to offer some words of encouragement to anyone who may be experiencing domestic violence. First and foremost, understand that you are not to blame. Second, know that you are not in it alone. There are others experiencing the same thing and there are people who are willing to help you through. Third, learn to love yourself and realize your self-worth. You are priceless and you deserve real love. –Gia
- The abuse often starts off small. The first attack is normally a slap, punch or a shove. When this happens, a women is confused. Shortly after the attack, comes the apology. The same words are often used, “I’m sorry” “I was just upset” and “It will never happen again”. The shock of being physically harmed by the person you love is a lot to take in. We all hear stories of domestic violence, but a lot of women believe that it could never happen to them. So, when it does happen they don’t know what to do. They end up believing that it will only happen once. The truth is, if a person is bold enough to hit you once without any consequences, they will do it again. Most women stay because they are afraid, have been with the person for a long time, or they believe that they will never fall in love again. We're here to tell you that no matter how long you have been with a person you do not deserve to be abused. There is ALWAYS someone better who will treat you how you are supposed to be treated and if you are afraid there are many options, you just have to be willing take the first step. -Bonny
World News Wednesdays
When the school board in Provincetown, Mass., voted unanimously on June 8 to provide free condoms to all students in the district without parental notification, no one in the audience objected. In fact, no one thought much about it. The school’s health advisory committee, relying on respected studies, worried that children were becoming sexually active at ever younger ages, and it believed protection was the best policy. the Massachusetts Family Institute hastily issued a statement saying: "Making condoms available to first graders bullies parents to submit to an agenda that promotes sexual promiscuity to innocent children at their most vulnerable age. “I guess the biggest thing [generating controversy] is that it’s for elementary school kids, but where do we draw the line?” School Committee Chairman Peter Grosso told the Boston Globe. “We’re going to revisit it." He said discussion would likely center around setting a minimum age for eligibility. But he promised that there would be some access for elementary school kids. -Fox News
Tell us your opinion. Do you believe that first grade is too early to start giving out condoms or do you believe that they should be prepared?
Inspirational Quotes

- If you give all that you can give and they still decide to leave, then it wasn’t meant to be. They were simply preparing you for what's ahead.
- Sometimes you have to make a mistake in order to progress.
- In order to enjoy the happy moments ,you have to go through the sad ones. Don't get discouraged when you fall down.
- I was born complete.