Core Values

Core values are the values instilled in us by our parents or by ourselves that define who we want to be and how we want to act. The values and beliefs you settle for, “Create your self expression and life picture.” For example your parents may have taught you to always be honest and to respect yourself. You may have also decided to value your virginity and wait until marriage. These personal values help you to understand yourself. But when teens go away to college they throw all of those values out of the window. So, the question is, Why is it so easy for teens to lose sight of their core values in college?

College, for most, is a new and exciting experience. It is the time to get away from your parents and become adults. Throughout life, our parents have taught and given us tools to survive in the world. They teach us things like respect, compassion and responsibility. There are many teens that hold on to these values and stay true to themselves. Then, there are the ones who lose sight of them and lose sight of themselves. So what is the true reason for this? We can blame the parents but, many parents try really hard to raise there children to be respectable young adults and it just does not work. Some teens just are not ready to be on their own. All of their lives, they have been sheltered and protected to the point that when they are on their own, they do not know how to react to the things that life throws at them. They start to experience problems that they have never experienced before. Losing sight of yourself only takes one bad decision. It takes a lot of work to hold on to your values, but we all can do it. Just remember who you are and who you want to be. Don’t let anyone steer you otherwise. -Bonny     

From the time we are young up until the time that we enter college our parents are constantly reminding us of the things that are important in life as well as what will shape and mold us into the individuals that we are or are to become.These are known as values and beliefs. In college there is that sense of freedom and independence that may cause some to lose sight of that. While in college, some are able to successfully practice those values and beliefs but others quickly forget them.  It is somewhat easy to forget simply because there is no longer that constant reminder and because you are now surrounded by so many different people coming from all walks of life who think, act and believe differently than you. However, that is how the world is. Everyone is not like you and you are not like everyone but it is ok to be different and it is ok to be who YOU are. Don't ever feel the need to "try" something because everyone else is doing it or be someone that you are not. Never lose sight of your goals or who you are and put God first ALWAYS and he will guide you through it all. -Gia

Here is a link to understanding personal core values and positive beliefs

If you haven't noticed, it has been a while since our last post. Sorry for the lack of updates. We were in a transitioning phase. We are now back in full effect with many more topics!

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