Check Please!

You're out on a date with a guy and you all are enjoying yourselves. The night is coming to an end and it is time to pay the bill. As the bill sits on the table, you both stare at each other wondering who is going to pick up the tab. After minutes of silence, he suggests splitting the bill in half….Uhh No?

  • In the beginning of a relationship, it is the guy’s job to pay the bill. I’m a firm believer in chivalry. If the guy is a true gentlemen, he should not have a problem with paying the bill. If there is an issue with money, it should be established before the date. Other than that, there is no reason for a guy to not pay. Deeper into the relationship, the girl can decide to start paying for the dates. Until then, it’s the guy’s job! -Bonny
  • "First impressions are everything". With that said, if this is the first date and the guy asked you out, then it is assumed that he will be paying for the date. That's just the way it goes. It is gentleman like and it is simply a nice gesture. Now, there are some cases when splitting the bill is perfectly fine. For example, if you've gone on multiple dates or if this is someone that you're just hanging out with. However, if for some reason he feels that you both should split the bill on the first date, then that needs to be discussed prior to the bill coming to the table. -Gia

Is Texting The New Talking?

Most people prefer to text rather than talk on the phone, but is it really beneficial to a relationship? We all love to get those texts with the flirty winks and smiley faces, but when is it the right time to start communicating on a more personal level? Can you really get to know someone through texting?

  • Texting, although convenient, should never be the only form of communication between two people that are trying to get to know more about one another. At some point, the lines of communication should open up and advance to a level where both people are comfortable beyond the keypad. For some, this may take some time, but what matters is that the relationship that you are trying to build progresses. Sure, the texts with the smiley faces and winks are cute and sweet but are you really learning anything about that person? -Gia

  • When you first meet someone, the first line of communication is texting. In the beginning it’s interesting. We love receiving Cute little texts that say “Good Morning” or random texts that say “Just thinking about you” when we least expect it, but when you both start to realize that you want to get to know a little more about each other, it’s time to stop texting and start talking. If you have been talking to a guy over a month and haven’t spoken to him on the phone at least once, it’s time to move on. -Bonny

Girls, Is It Okay To Text First?

It's a typical Saturday night and you and your girls are dressed to impress and ready to have some fun. You all decide to go to your favorite Saturday night spot. Your favorite song comes on and you start to dance. You suddenly notice some eye candy across the room. You've seen this guy around before and you think he's cute. You smile at each other flirtatiously. Next thing you know you two are dancing together. Before the song ends he leans over and asks you for your number. You exchange numbers and end the night with hopes that you will see each other again. Throughout the next day you constantly check your phone for a call or text but receive neither. Should you text first?

  • Girls are constantly told not to text a guy first. All of our friends tell us, "If he's into you, he will make the first move." I agree with this statement. But is it really wrong for a girl to make the first move? I have met guys who agree, but I have also met guys that like it when a girl takes initiative. Most girls don’t text first because they are afraid of rejection, but constantly waiting for his text and never receiving one is also rejection. Personally, I don’t think that texting first is that bad. Now, If you constantly text and he doesn't respond, let it go. If he’s into you, he wouldn’t mind if you texted him first. If he’s not into you, texting him first is the quickest way of finding out, rather than waiting and wondering -Bonny

  • Despite what your girls may say, it is ok to text first. Often, we get caught up in this idea that texting first seems a bit "thirsty" or eager, but honestly, there is nothing wrong with sparking up a converstaion. If you're constantly checking your phone to see if he may have tried to contact you, then you're obviously interested so maybe he is worth texting first. You never know, he may be waiting to hear from you but if in fact he doesn't respond don't trip just move on. -Gia