It's a typical Saturday night and you and your girls are dressed to impress and ready to have some fun. You all decide to go to your favorite Saturday night spot. Your favorite song comes on and you start to dance. You suddenly notice some eye candy across the room. You've seen this guy around before and you think he's cute. You smile at each other flirtatiously. Next thing you know you two are dancing together. Before the song ends he leans over and asks you for your number. You exchange numbers and end the night with hopes that you will see each other again. Throughout the next day you constantly check your phone for a call or text but receive neither. Should you text first?
- Girls are constantly told not to text a guy first. All of our friends tell us, "If he's into you, he will make the first move." I agree with this statement. But is it really wrong for a girl to make the first move? I have met guys who agree, but I have also met guys that like it when a girl takes initiative. Most girls don’t text first because they are afraid of rejection, but constantly waiting for his text and never receiving one is also rejection. Personally, I don’t think that texting first is that bad. Now, If you constantly text and he doesn't respond, let it go. If he’s into you, he wouldn’t mind if you texted him first. If he’s not into you, texting him first is the quickest way of finding out, rather than waiting and wondering -Bonny
- Despite what your girls may say, it is ok to text first. Often, we get caught up in this idea that texting first seems a bit "thirsty" or eager, but honestly, there is nothing wrong with sparking up a converstaion. If you're constantly checking your phone to see if he may have tried to contact you, then you're obviously interested so maybe he is worth texting first. You never know, he may be waiting to hear from you but if in fact he doesn't respond don't trip just move on. -Gia
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